The Map and the Territory

An extract from Urgon Wenth’s unfinished memoirs, collected and edited by Elro Aldataur. Working title for future publication ‘An Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount’.

… After evading these horrors for several days, it is always a relief to finally clear the treeline and see the Flotket Alps rising in the distance. However, a cautious traveller should remember that the Savalirwood does not give up prey so easily. The bones of those who let their guard down at this point litter the borders of the forest. Regardless of the time of day or weather conditions I have a firm rule to never strike camp within four hours march of the woods.

Other accounts the reader may have read will skip ahead at this point to the peaks of the Flotket Alps, the Rime Plains or the Crystalsands Tundra. This is because most accounts are written by chinless scholars tucked up safe indoors with a map and a bottle of wine. From this cozy position the area between the Savalirwood and the mountains is an empty space between more interesting destinations. I do not consider myself a soft man, but after battling through the Savalirwood or trekking across the vast tundra I rarely feel the urge to race straight up the mountain paths. I would encourage a sensible campaigner to consider the benefits of recuperating for a few days in less challenging terrain.

Northeast of the Savalirwood the mountain streams and meltwater form a small inland lake known locally as the Wash. The Wash spills west past the ruins of Molaesmyr into the Frigid Depths and east past the ruins of Uraliss into the Emerald Gulch. Neither route is particularly safe or advisable (you will note I write “ruins”, not “happy and thriving town”) but a fast river boat or two is a fair means to approach either location if you plan to pick through the rubble.

Between the Wash and the mountains lie a few small farming communities, mostly composed of those unwilling to live in the dwarven cities to the north. To be perfectly frank none of these is worth much ink and most consistent of just three or four extended farmsteads. In the summer months the farmers move their flocke north to graze on the mountain pastures, in the winter they shelter from the storms on the lowlands. This also means that they are furthest from the Savalirwood at the height of midsummer and only draw near again when winter lulls the wood into slumber.

Technically these farmers are part of Uthodorn but they have a saying which just about sums that up: “Dust from the west, orcs from the east, trouble from the south, tax collectors from the north”. I am told that by law criminals are to be held and turned over to the Glassblades when they make their scheduled patrols. In practice the punishment for outsiders who cause trouble is a shovel to the back of the head and an unmarked grave in a turnip field.

Barter is the main form of trade here, with copper and silver a distant second. You’ll be hard pressed to break a gold piece and most people will assume you came by it looting one of the old elven tombs. (Before you get your hopes up I will say again that the elves do not bury their dead with gold. Grave robbing is rarely a profitable enterprise). If you want food or clothing then your best best is to trade goods. Decent tools, ironmongery, salt, spices, tobacco, alcohol, medicine or herbs will usually buy a warm meal and a night in the hayloft. A good song or a fresh story won’t hurt either.

Unfortunately for those who like their comforts there isn’t an inn between Shadycreek and Uthodorn. If you’re looking for a bed then your best option is the temple of Ilmater which lies on the main trail to Uthodorn. The preachers will give a bed and a meal to anyone who needs it, although they expect those who can to earn it with work or donations. Again, goods are preferred over coin, especially medicinal herbs not available locally.

The temple hosts a small market every five days and a larger fair on the first of every month. The monthly fair draws richer merchants and officials from Uthodorn, so its the spot to head for if you want to buy a mule or join a wagon train headed north. A journey in any other direction is best organised from Uthodorn.