End of Disc 1 – Please insert Disc 2

As the ground rushed up to meet him, now glistening with the sudden cascade of silvered ball bearings bouncing wildly, Throkk thought he caught a glimpse of Alastair turn one back last time…


A summary of the research time spent:

Re Dreadswamp:

Strange combined creatures, possibly due to historical sorcerers experiments known as thesselar. At least one reference to a bear with an owl for a head. Was a source of unstable mutagen material for the Judge project. The most recent expedition to retrieve additional samples resulted in an almost total massacre of the mercenary company, leaving only one man alive. His report described a multi-headed creature, whos heads grew back when damaged.  They attempted to sneak up on the creature but were unable to do so, it seemed to be guarding an old ruined tower.

Re Judge project

See above. Also, authorised by Church, Started by Etricht(aka the herald) who you learned is now an apostate. Exact details unclear, but involved fusing genetic material to creature soliders. Possible involved memory manipulation based on the research notes in your journal you collected. Was cancelled after the burning of South-Hallow and failure to retrieve any more samples due to mutli headed apex predator above. The relationship between Karn and Throkk is alluded to but largely speculative, gossip and conjecture are found in many of the journals. Throkk was certainly his “favorite” attendee of the facility, yet was pushed into multiple unstable and experimental protocols despite danger.

Re Ashen Kirk

Pilgrimage site for Namthar and Kossos worshipers, ancient and predates century war, but after the conflict a cathedral was built on the site by the largely victorious namtharites. Has become inaccessable due to thesselars presence this last century ( unclear if he is now alive or dead). It is found on the most South Eastern Tip of the Dreadswamp.