The tale of Scurvy Pete

Greeting stranger. The name’s Pete – Scurvy Pete. But please, no need for formalities. You can just call me “Scurvy”. Take a seat stranger. Share some grog.

Did you know that I wasn’t always “Scurvy Pete”? No, that’s not the name my parents gave me. I was once “Peter Longfellow”. Peter Longfellow was a merchant. A good one too. I sailed with my crew including my beloved first mate Martinsson. I loved that man like he was my own brother.

You ask why I speak of my beloved Martinsson in the past tense? The story will get there stranger, don’t you worry. We sailed under the Vicetina flag. We served the duke. We were hauling a shipment of tobacco to the new world that month. It was midwinter – a dangerous time to sail – no sane man would cross the sea in midwinter. But very lucritive. So Martinsson and I sailed with our cargo of tobacco.

Don’t interrupt me stranger! I’m getting there. Have more grog. It was a dark and stormy night. “Lower the sail Martinsson!” I shout to my beloved first mate. He was on top of the mast when it snapped.

“MARTINSSON” I shouted and ran. He was broken when I got to him.

“How do I look Peter Longfellow?” he asked me.

“You look good Martinsson. You’ll be alright.” I turned his head so that he couldn’t see the broken leg “You’ll make it Martinsson, I promise.”

You’re asking if the wound got diseased? No, the gods were kind to us there. The wound healed even. It was the hunger that got us in the end. Without the sails, we floated aimlessly. We shared the biscuts, but they ran out in a month.

We sat there staring at the last biscut.

“We’ll make it Martinsson. I promise” I told him cradling his head. He breathed his last breath. I buried him at sea of course.

I became delirious after his death. The sea was rough. It was stormy. I welcomed death. Death came as a school of eels.

That’s right, eels. Majestic creatures. They surrounded us. I prayed to the eels in my fever. I prayed for safety. I prayed for food. I prayed for my beloved Martinsson back.

Don’t laugh stranger. My prayers were answered! The great Sea Serpent spoke to me then for the first time. Don’t. Laugh. He offered me everything I asked for. And more.

Don’t laugh at me. More grog! I was sated instantly. I don’t eat anymore. I survive on seawater alone. It’s true. The eels pushed us to land. And Martinsson. Martinsson is back with me now. He was given a second life as an eel. Yes, an eel. He speaks to me often. You see my left arm stranger? No, these are not tattoos. This is Martinsson reincarnated as an eel. He speaks to me. What’s that Martinsson? I shouldn’t kill the stranger yet? I should give the stranger time to repent and worship the Great Sea Serpent? As you wish, Martinsson. Yes, the Sea Serpent speaks to me through Martinsson. It was he who told me to come to this island. It was he who told me to come to this Scumm Bar. It was he who told me to become a pirate.

You’re laughing at me stranger. But it’s true. All true. It all happened exactly as I described it. Why would Scurvy Pete lie to you? It’s all true. The Great Sea Serpent gave Martinsson and I a second chance in this life. In return, Scurvy Pete shall serve the serpent in the next.