A stroll down the Winding Path

Any map location the Ernodal can confidently sense through the path can be jumped to safely in a matter of seconds. (those are the place names currently visible on the winding path navigation screen)

Using the winding path however is a high risk, high reward mode of transport. It will almost always be safer to travel by land/sea, but this will usually take much longer.

Jumping to undiscovered destinations is possible, but is increasingly difficult with distance, and unfamiliarity. This will affect the group skill check DC and number of required successes to accurately jump. Some good RP might help Ernodal visualise undiscovered locations (perhaps items/ people / lore of an area might make the task easier, who knows? If you can make a good case, then its allowed).  The more difficult the jump the greater the punishment for failure.

The tower is not built for the trauma and structural challenge of multiple jumps in succession. One jump can be performed per 24 hours safely, after which Taahir and Klaus busy themselves reinforcing the inner walls of the building and repairing the engine room, replacing broken teapots etc. Further jumps can be attempted but will either negatively affect the group skill check DC and/or run the risk of misadventure.

Failed jumps will be subject to the narratively dramatic whims and fickle and absolutely  unfair punishments of the DM as he takes out his work related stress on the players. Jumping a tower straight into a civil war battlefield on a demi-plane of hell for example, is likely an unwanted outcome and shall prove rather difficult for everyone to survive. Consider this your warning.